360in360 Immersive Experiences offering a wide range of services that educate, engage and impress
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360in360 Technology

360in360 Camera Technology Comparison Tests

360 degree immersive technologies are developing and maturing rapidly and many devices for recording and broadcasting 360 degree video, images and sound are now affordable consumer items. As with all technologies, there are limitations to the art of the possible and constraints relating to existing infrastructure such as wired and wireless broadband that can affect the quality of the user experience.

Our aim is to explore and share best practices in the use of 360 degree immersive technologies for a wide range of applications. We aim to do this through hints and tips, examples and practical demonstrations of the technologies and associated accessories and tools.

We offer consultancy, training, workshops, articles and a wide range of services that help you to use these technologies to tell your story and share your experiences.

If you would like to discuss how you can apply this combination of technology and skills to your own needs, please contact me by email.

To see sample images from five popular 360 degree cameras, visit our camera comparison virtual tour.

Check out our 360in360 Technology Facebook Page