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GIANT Health 2020 Coronavirus Challenge
Immersive Learning for Preventative Healthcare

GIANT Health 2020 Coronavirus Challenge Quiz

The GIANT Health 2020 Coronavirus challenge uses gamified immersive learning and assessment technologies
in an online quiz game.

This serious game educates and informs players about coronavirus and how to protect themselves, encourages preventative healthcare practices through the use of hand sanitisers and face masks and rewards knowledge and positive behaviours in the form of discounted tickets to the conference and an opportunity to win cash prizes.

Quiz Sponsorship Opportunities

Quiz User Guide - How to Win Prizes

Play the Online Quiz

Everyone who who plays the quiz and registers for the GIANT Health 2020 online conference will be entitled to discounted tickets for the GIANT Health 2020 online conference and will have an opportunity to take part in an exclusive immersive quiz challenge during the conference.